Places in South and North America to spend the summer fairs: read our text and find 4 charming and unusual options!
I know you must already be counting down the days to your summer fairs, but we don't know what to expect or what school will come back in December.
So, now, how about planning your fair trip?
No leaf text we will show you places in South and North America to attend fairs.
Ah! You can rest assured that nothing is too long, not too expensive. This makes it even easier for you to plan and take trips.
Don't stop checking!
1. Galapagos, Ecuador
The Galapagos Archipelago is located in Equador. It is made up of 59 vulcanic islands, rich in natural beauty and rich history.
Being distributed in the following way:
- 13 largest islands;
- 6 minors;
- 40 small islands.
The place highlights rare animal species, for example, giant tartaruga and marine iguana.
It was exactly the same archipelago that scientist Charles Darwin founded the theory of evolution. Aliás, você pode conferir no su livro, A Teoria das Espécies.
Galapagos is the least accessible option on our list of places in South and North America to spend the summer fairs.
This is because every ecosystem in the region suffers from damage caused by humans. The population of the island 300% has increased in recent years with the number of quadricycle visitors.
Logo, the life of the island's natural inhabitants has become ameaçada. To inhibit tourist exploration, the government decided to limit entry and charge high taxes.
However, you will be well cushioned in the region, and every coin spent will be worth a lot of money!
Among the best attractions of Galapagos, we find, for example:
- Charles Darwin Research Center.
- Rábida, red sand beaches where leões-marinhos rest.
- Rocha pinnacle. Take advantage of the sea with marine lions and galapagos penguins.
- Bartholomew Island;
- Isabela Island
- Española Beach;
- Santa Cruz Island;
- Fernandina Island;
- Observação de baleias jubartes;
- Floreana Beach;
- Volcanic formations.
2. Punta del Este, Uruguay
Punta del Este is located in Maldonado, Uruguay. This spa is super bad, it doesn't even see.
Therefore, if you enjoy nightlife, meeting many different people, this destiny is perfect for you!
Many people think that this place is only frequented by people with high purchasing power, however, it is a myth, the public is quite eclectic.
A characteristic, let's say, disadvantageous about the region, and that you need to do a lot of research to find a restaurant with more affordable values.
That's why, the restaurants in Punta del Este usually have higher prices than the ones in São Paulo.
So, get ready!
When there are two lplaces in South and North America to attend the fairs, do not stop visiting:
- Housetown;
- Sculpture The Hand – The Fingers;
- Port of Punta del Este;
- Enjoy Hotel and Casino;
3. Places in South and North America to attend the fairs – Ilha de Páscoa, Chile
Páscoa Island (Rapa Nui) is a vulcanic island surrounded by mysteries, one of its most popular names known in the region and Ilha Grande.
It is located in Eastern Polynesia, 3,700 km from the west coast of Chile, inclusive, and is considered the most isolated island in the world.
She received this name, because she was discovered on an Easter Sunday, in 1722, by Jacob Roggeveen.
Among the most interesting activities carried out on the island and tourism, thousands of people see the history of the local area and enjoy its beautiful beaches.
However, the waters are cold, therefore, the best time to go is in summer, where the temperature is higher.
In Hanga Roa, in the center of the island, you can find places to stay, restaurants, agencies and local businesses.
When taking a walk along the coast, you will be able to witness sea forces and many volcanic rocks.
In Ahu Tahai, you can contemplate and meditate before a beautiful sun.
Soon you will find some sacred platforms such as Moai, the giant stone sculptures characteristic of the island.
Ahu Tongariki is a platform with the most impressive and beautiful Moai on the Páscoa Island, therefore, it cannot be found outside its roof.
The most incredible beach on the Anakena island is, aliás, uma das poucas apropriadas para banho. This is because, as the beaches of the islands possess many volcanic rocks.
Páscoa Island is an impressive place! Immersed in history and beauty, with all certainty, you will regret hearing stories and feeling the energy of the local area.
4. Places in South and North America to attend the fairs – Riviera Maya, Mexico (North America)
Riviera Maya is a stretch of the Caribbean coast, one of two highlights of the region with its all-inclusive resorts.
This accommodation model is optimal, as it tends to be more practical and economical.
Another advantage to highlight is that you do not need to have seen or received a vaccination certificate to travel to the Riviera Maya.
An important note is: avoid the region between the June and October months, because it is the furac season in the Caribbean.
The region faces sunshine all year round and has very little, therefore, is the perfect climate to enjoy the beautiful Caribbean waters of this Mexican paradise.
For nightlife lovers, in the city it is still possible to find great attractions for that audience.
However, it is also a perfect place to relax and replenish your energies.
When you are in the region, regardless of your travel style, do not stop visiting, for example:
- Xcaret amusement and theme park;
- Two Eyes Cenotes;
- Ancient ruins of the Archaeological Site of Tulum;
- Secret River;
- Yal-Ku Lagoon;
- Sac Actun Cenotes.
Então, gostou our list of Incríveis places in South and North America to attend the fairs in summer?
With all certainty, our continent has thousands of incredible places to enjoy the best season of the year.
In the meantime, consider our leaflet suggestions. You will certainly love your trip!
Finally, never stop knowing Cape FrioIt is also a great option for attending summer fairs.