Read the text and discover 7 important tips to miss the best way to travel by plane and take advantage of this interesting stage of the trip!
I know you are some people who feels cold in their belly just thinking about getting on a plane, I know that you are not sozinho.
In addition, there is a condition characterized by walking in airplanes or other sports: a Aerophobia.
Approximately 25% of people who use air vehicles face this phobia in some cases, which can be accompanied by claustrophobia and acrophobia.
Flying is something common and can also prevent you from enjoying incredible adventures around the world.
But don't worry! In this post, we are going to share seven valuable tips to help you avoid wasting the risk of air travel and take advantage of every moment of your day.
Get ready to take off!
1. Tips to lose or avoid traveling by plane: Find out more details about aviation
Knowledge is power, and when it comes to overcoming the means of flight, this is especially true.
Research how aircraft operate, understand safety procedures, familiarize yourself with normal sounds and sensations during flight.
The more you learn about aviation, the more confident you will feel about boarding a plane.
For this reason, there are countless online resources, books and even specialized courses that can help clarify your doubts and dispel misconceptions.
2. How to miss out on a plane trip: face it head on
Confront the medium is the first step to overcome it. Instead of avoiding air travel, challenge yourself to face the situation head-on.
It starts with your short or domestic voices, where you feel most comfortable.
In a few years, it increases to two-minute duration and explores more distant destinations. By confronting him gradually, you will realize that you are capable of dealing with him.
3. Breathe deeply and relax
During the day, anxiety can increase, therefore, it is important to know how to deal with the situation.
Practice deep breathing techniques, inhale through your nose for a count of four, hold your breath for a few seconds, and exhale through your mouth also for a count of four.
This technique helps calm the body and mind, reducing anxiety.
Also, you can use meditation apps or listen to relaxing music to help you relax during your vacation.
4. Tips to miss out on air travel: keep busy
It distracted his mind during his trip. Have an interesting book, watch films, watch music, play games or make crossed words.
Ter activities to occupy your time and distract your attention can help reduce anxiety and make you more pleasant.
For that matter, keeping yourself busy can help you pass the time more quickly.
5. Chat with the crew
Another important tip for lose the risk of traveling on a plane é converse with the crew. Logo, do not be ashamed to interact with your voice team.
The stewards are professionally trained to deal with different situations, including passages with the method of flight.
By talking to them, you can obtain additional information about security procedures, clarify your doubts and at the same time receive emotional support.
Knowing that you are surrounded by experienced and dedicated professionals can provide peace of mind during your trip.
6. Find a comfortable seat
Choosing the seat certainly can make everything different to your travel experience. Opt for seats close to the handles, where aircraft movements are less noticeable.
Avoid seats close to emergency exits, as some people may feel uncomfortable with the additional responsibility.
Also, consider choosing a seat next to Jane, as this will allow you to accompany the landscape and feel more connected to the external environment.
7. How to lose or miss a plane trip: consider professional help
If you are continuing to travel and are significantly hindering your ability to travel, consider seeking professional help.
There are therapists specialized in treatments for sleep deprivation, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, who can help you identify and modify negative thinking patterns and develop strategies to deal with anxiety.
For this reason, there are specific programs and workshops to overcome the risk of flying, where you can learn relaxation techniques, obtain information about aviation and receive support from people who are going through the same situation.
Therefore, do not stop considering the help of a professional to overcome your problem!
Losing the risk of traveling on a plane It may be a gradual process, but with determination and these certain instructions, you can overcome this obstacle and enjoy the wonders of the world.
I know that it is normal to feel a little anxiety, but it does not mean that you are impeccable from exploring new horizons.
Therefore, for Losing or losing air travel:
Educate yourself, face your fears, breathe deeply, keep yourself busy, talk to your crew, find a comfortable seat and, if necessary, seek professional help.
Credit yourself and embark on this exciting day with confidence. Bon voyage!