Most people are not born experienced travelers. It's something we only experience on the road.
Don't start, you commit many travel errors.
Savviness of travel is a process born of lost buses, stubborn behavior, cultural unconsciousness and uncounted small mistakes. Then, one day, you began to move easily around airports and integrate into new cultures like a fish for water.
I want to help speed up the process and help you avoid mistakes (and many times you make too many mistakes), so I've created this giant list of the best travel tips that charge all under the sun to help you achieve your trip. Complete ninja potential.
I have learned these things in the last twelve years.
These are the tips for traveling that you can save money, sleep better, go out on the common road, meet local people and be just a better traveler.
Without delay, here are the best 61 days of the world:
- Always pack a towel
This is the key to the success of the galactic carona and the common sense. You never know when you're going to need it, seja on the beach, in a piquenique or just to dry. Since many hostels offer towels, you never know how to carry a small towel without much weight in your bag. - I bought a small / bad backpack
If you buy a small backpack (you want something around 35/40 liters), you will be forced to pack light and avoid carrying too much. Humans have a natural tendency to want to take up space, so if you have some baggage, but you have a lot of extra space in your backpack, you will end up going “well, I can't hold on anymore” and then you will regret it. - pack light
There is no problem wearing the same shirt a few days in a row. Paste metade das roupas que você acha que necessar… você não não não quanto quanto que você não. Write down a list of essential items, cut them carefully and just pack them! Also, since you bought a small backpack like this one, you won't have much space for extra things anyway! - More glue half extras
You are going to lose a mountain of gremlins of dirty clothes, use and tear the paths so that the extra packaging comes to light. I only levo more a few times than I need. Nothing beats a new pair of meias! - Paste an extra bank card and credit card as you wish
Disasters happen. There will always be a backup if you are missing or missing a card. You do not want to be imprisoned in some new place without access to your property. Once you have a duplicate card and a freeze placed on it. You cannot use it for the rest of your trip. I am very happy to have an extra and not enjoy my friend, who was not forced to borrow money from me or everything! - Certify that you use bank cards without collection
Do not give the banks or your used money. Save this money for yourself and spend it on your trips. Obtain a credit and debit card that does not charge a foreign transaction tax or a multibanco tax. Over the course of a long trip, the few dollars you spend each time will really increase! - Travel sozinho pelo less than once
You will learn a lot about yourself and how to become independent. It's clichê, but it's true. Traveling also taught me how to take care of myself, talk with people and deal with situations that are not familiar to me with ease. It made me comfortable with myself, helped me learn about what I was capable of, and allowed me to be super selfish and do what I wanted! You can take some time to get used to it if you have never done this before, but do this at least once. Fique disconfortável e surpreenda-se. You will learn valuable life skills when you try hard!